Pengembangan E-Modul Materi Aktivitas Kebugaran Jasmani Pada Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga Dan Kesehatan Untuk Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Banuhampu Kelas XI


Zerly Luciana
Asep Sujana Wahyuri


The problem in this research is that it appears that the choice of learning media is less interesting because the teacher only uses textbooks with conventional media and does not utilize technology so that learning is less effective. This research aims to develop an E-Module for Physical Fitness Activity Material in Physical Education, Sports and Health Learning for Class XI Students of SMAN 1 Banuhampu.

This type of research is Research and Development (R&D) using the ADDIE model through 5 simplified stages according to research needs, namely (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation and (5) Evaluation. This research was assisted by several validators consisting of: language experts, media experts and material experts as well as the implementation of small group trials. The instruments used in this research were validation sheets, data analysis techniques using rating scales and percentage ranges.

The results of the research show that the E-Module learning media for Physical Fitness Activity Material is "very suitable" to be used as a learning media for class XI high school students. This can be seen from the results of the percentage of language expert validation of 95%, media expert validation of 90%, material expert validation of 96.65%. Furthermore, student respondents were 91.51% with the criteria "very feasible". The suitability of the media from the validation results of the expert team and student responses is very suitable for use in learning at SMA Negeri 1 Banuhampu.


How to Cite
Luciana, Z., & Wahyuri, A. (2024). Pengembangan E-Modul Materi Aktivitas Kebugaran Jasmani Pada Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga Dan Kesehatan Untuk Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Banuhampu Kelas XI. Jurnal JPDO, 7(8), 1793-1806.


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