Kontribusi Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai dan Daya Ledak Otot Lengan Terhadap Kemampuan Smash Atlet Bulutangkis PB. Nada Junior Kabupaten Kerinci


Afdhol Khoiri
Willadi Rasyid


This research aims to see the contribution of leg muscle explosive power and arm muscle explosive power to smash ability. This research is a type of correlation research. Correlational research is used to prove the extent of the relationship or closeness of the relationship between an independent variable (leg muscle explosive power and arm muscle explosive power) with the dependent variable (smash ability). The population in this study were all male badminton atlhetes PB. Nada Junior totaling 36 people. Sampling was taken using the purposive sampling technique. The sample in this study were 25 male badminton athletes from PB. Nada Junior. The instrumens for this research were the vertical jump test, two hand medicine ball put test, and smash ability test. The data analysis technique uses correlation analysis techniques, multiple correlation and coefficient of determination with aa significance level of α = 0,05. The results of the analysis show; 1) there is strong contribution between the explosive power of the leg muscle on the smash ability of badminton athletes PB. Nada Junior Kabupaten Kerinci amounted to 61%. 2) there is strong contribution between the explosive power of the arm muscle on the smash ability of badminton athletes PB. Nada Junior Kabupaten Kerinci amounted to 56,2%. 3) there is strong contribution between the explosive power of the leg muscles and the explosive power of the arm muscles together to smash ability badminton athletes PB. Nada Junior Kabupaten Kerinci amounted to 68,8%.


How to Cite
Khoiri, A., & Rasyid, W. (2024). Kontribusi Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai dan Daya Ledak Otot Lengan Terhadap Kemampuan Smash Atlet Bulutangkis PB. Nada Junior Kabupaten Kerinci. Jurnal JPDO, 7(8), 1698-1707. https://doi.org/10.24036/JPDO.7.8.2024.30


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